Have you ever imagined...

How your life would be if you could wake up with more energy and passion for knowing that you're doing what you always dreamed of, creating art, earning an income from that, and most importantly: transforming other people's lives by sharing your perspetives?

Have you ever stopped to think that Photography could stop being just a hobby, and become a business that brings you freedom, happiness, fulfilment and even takes you to incredible places?

What if I told you THAT...


I brought together all the tools of self-awareness, and my knowledge of photography, entrepreneurship, marketing and people management skills into a unique program that aims to empower you to



I once was an immigrant who arrived in a completely different country, without knowing anyone and had to learn how to speak a new language, learn a new culture and deal with the frustration of living far away from the ones I love.

I chose to start from scratch, in 2019, when I decided to leave Brazil, the country where I was born and raised, to live in Sydney, Australia. I needed to reinvent myself, but I knew it would be possible to make my dreams come true, and I know that you deserve to experience it too.

I arrived in Sydney at the age of 23, with a camera and a dream.

I had a dream and a lot of desire to make it happen.

Today it has been more than 9 years that I am a photographer, being 4 of them in Australia, living from my Photography business. Far beyond conventional photography, I guide people in experiences of self-knowledge. Today, I am a Mentor of Authentic Photographers, who wish to expand their service through their unique Identity and story. I am recognized for my sensitive and authentic way of helping people look at themselves with more empathy and self-love.

What is the 'Do You' Program?

It is a transformative journey that merges the worlds of photography and self-discovery. It's an immersive mentoring program designed to empower aspiring photographers to transcend their limitations, gain self-awareness, and confidently guide and lead people during photoshoots. This program goes beyond traditional photography education, going through a unique blend of artistic techniques, mindfulness practices, business strategies and self-knowledge concepts.

Who is this Program for?

This Program was designed for photographers who have been pursuing photography as a hobby for several years, or feel stuck where they are, but now are determined to light up their creativity, and turn their passion into a full-fledged career. However, they struggle with feelings of insecurity and shyness, especially when it comes to dealing with clients and directing people during photoshoots. They often find themselves hesitating or second-guessing their decisions, which affects their confidence in their work.

Gain CLARITY, CONFIDENCE & GUIDANCE to find your own path to success


The Self

The "Do You" Program guides you to delve deep within, unearthing your passions, strengths, and unique perspectives. By understanding yourself on a profound level, you’ll infuse your photography with an unparalleled sense of purpose. Self-discovery empowers you to build a brand that resonates not only with your audience but also with your own soul.

The Photographer

We encourage you to transcend the ordinary. With a focus on artistic vision, you’ll learn to convey emotion, tell compelling stories, and create images that evoke profound connections. As you develop your craft, we nurture your ability to communicate your unique voice through every photograph you capture.

The Entrepreneur

Build a strategic mindset needed to succeed as a professional photographer. Learn how to define your market effectively, manage finances, create strategies to sell, and build client relationships. This mentorship nurtures your business acumen, allowing you to confidently set goals, make informed decisions, and create a sustainable career that aligns with your artistic values.


Artistic Skills

Entrepreneurial Mindset


Artistic Skills

Entrepreneurial Mindset



Understanding your "WHY"

Limiting Beliefs

Your Past, Present & Future Self

Letter of Commitment

Self Reflections

Personality Typing

Strengths and Weaknesses



Artistic Skills

Entrepreneurial Mindset



You DON'T sell photos

Portfolio - the right way to do it 

The 5 senses to create

The power of setting intentions


Pre and post-production

Your Methodology

Leadership Skills


Artistic Skills

Entrepreneurial Mindset



Emotional intelligence 


The real niche - you don't sell to everyone


Sales technique

Marketing & Content production

Software - invoice systems, contracts, galleries, website

If you face the challenges...

  • Lack of Confidence: in your ability to lead and guide people during photoshoots, but also lack the confidence to have a clear positioning in the market.
  • Insecurity and Shyness: you feel insecure and shy in front of your clients, making it difficult to assert yourself and express your creative vision effectively.
  • Unclear Methodology: you haven't developed a structured methodology for conducting photoshoots, leading to a lack of consistency and clarity in your work.
  • Fear of Client Interaction: you fear being judged by clients and worry about their expectations, leading to hesitancy and self-doubt during sessions.
  • Identifying a Style: you struggle to define your unique style as a photographer, and this indecisiveness affects your overall brand identity.
  • Artist's mindset: you don't know what a business needs, and don't have the "big picture" perspective of a business owner.
  • Lack of clarity: about what you are doing, where you want to go and how to do it.

And want the desired outcomes...

  • Confidence and Assertiveness: in your interactions with clients, enabling you to guide them effectively during photoshoots.
  • Overcoming Shyness: allowing you to communicate more openly and authentically.
  • Methodology Development: establish your own systematic approach to conducting photoshoots, which will help you feel more organized and in control of your work.
  • Defining a Signature Style: giving your work a distinct and recognizable identity.
  • Building a Successful Business: with satisfied clients who appreciate your skills and professionalism.
  • Awareness of your value: and know how to charge appropriately for your services.
  • Becoming a salesperson: understanding what selling really means, and start doing it in an intentional, safe and strategic way.
  • Entrepreneurial mindset: you have clear goals and objectives, you know where you want to go and you know exactly what you need to get there.


"With all the tools that amanda offered me, i was able to have a better direction, put all the ideas out of the paper and make it happen. At the end of the mentoring, i could clearly see my own transformation."

Maira Murray, Sydney Photographer, founder of Rawh Studios

"It was difficult for me to delve into the full depth of mentoring during this beginning of my immigrant journey, but at the same time, it was rewarding. I learned many bureaucratic parts of business, and most importantly: I learned to place my value on my work, because I understood that value and price are different things."

Raissa Alves, Sydney Photographer

"It wasn't just something technical, with square rules and teachings. It was something very personalized and humanized. Amanda has incredible sensitivity when dealing with people."

Maurício Nunes, founder of the "Despertar do Olhar Interior" Program

"Today I feel that I have a purpose as a photographer and that today I photograph with intention. I am grateful to Gabriela from 2 months ago, who said Yes to this Mentoring."

Gabriela Cacau, Couples Photographer


Hey there, creative soul!

Let me dive briefly into my particular Universe...

I was born in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, on the 24th of March of the year 1996 (yes, I'm an Aries with Gemini rising and moon). And since my childhood (which is full of photographs and videos, thanks to my folks), I've been all about self-expression and making meaningful connections. Passion has always been one of my favourite words. I believe this experience is too short for us to live a life we are not passionate about. So I've always listened to my heart and soul (that's where my art comes from) and let them lead the way.

During college, while studying Advertising, I took my first professional photography course, in 2015. And from that year on I started photographing clients and small brands. I knew Photography was more than a passion, but still wasn't enough. Something was missing, I just didn't know what exactly.

Fast forward to 2019—a year that hit me with a spiritual awakening, when everything changed. Suddenly, my eyes were open to see a brighter, prettier light, and I found my voice. Living in that same city wasn't enough and I gathered all my courage to move to the other side of the world (literally). "Welcome to Australia, mate". If you're an immigrant you might know the challenges of the first years. Picture that times three with the COVID-19 pandemic. That chaos and loud noise made me go even deeper into my own inner processes. In 2020-2021, I truly understood that my mission wasn't being a Photographer. But Photography was one way I would carry out my mission. What was once just a "freelance" thing, became a business and I started putting my voice out there and combining self-knowledge tools with photography, and then my business went places I only dreamt of.

In 2023, I decided to take one step forward in guiding photographers through the path of success. Empowerment is at the heart of my mission. I am committed to helping you uncover your truth and your voice. I invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery, guided by the power of photography, and self-awareness. Together, let's harness your potential, ignite your passions, and craft a story that speaks volumes about who you are becoming.

Ready to uncover the incredible artist within? Your journey starts now!


Do I need to live in Australia to be part?

No, you don’t need to live in Australia or any particular city in the world to participate. The program will happen online. It can be done in English and in Portuguese.

What is the format of the Program?

It will be 8 weekly online meetings of 2h duration with Amanda Salomäo. In total, you have 2 months of support to help you transform your business.
You'll receive weekly activities to be developed and extra materials via Trello.

What if I want to give up in the middle of the program?

Due to the fact that the Mentoring Program is delivered over a period of 2 months, and the result depends exclusively on the level of commitment and dedication of the mentee, the value of the program is non-refundable.

How much does it cost?

This mentoring is personalized. Although it was created to last a minimum period of 2 months, the structure and value will depend on each mentee, the stage of your business and availability time. Therefore, the exact amount is only given after evaluating the completed pre-application form and after an online meeting between the mentor and the mentee.

Fill your pre-application today to know more details: